IFP Moves Motion of No Confidence in PMB Mayor: "IFP Moves Motion of No Confidence in PMB Mayor"
25 March 2009
The IFP in the uMsunduzi Municipality today moved a motion of no confidence in ANC Mayor Zanele Hlatshwayo citing her extravagant expenditure on pet projects and her refusal to account for a recent costly trip to America.
"Mayor Hlatshwayo's extravagant spending on mayoral projects to the tune of R7-million has not only doubled the relevant budget but also exhausted the new figure by mid-year," said IFP Councillor Candy Seymour.
The IFP presented the Council with a long list of Mayor Hlatshwayo's transgressions such as R1.5-million spent on last year's Christmas party for the elderly attended by less than one thousand people. "This is beyond acceptance, particularly when we cannot clean the city (Pietermaritzburg), fix potholes and street lights," said Cllr Seymour.
The IFP also expressed outrage about the cost, size of the delegation and the rationale behind the Mayor's trip to the US to attend, among other things, the inauguration of President Barack Obama in January this year. "The trip appeared to be a little more than a luxury holiday for pals," said Cllr Seymour.