Thursday, December 18, 2008

Continuing gravy train

The Witness: "Continuing gravy train"
18 Dec 2008
I WOULD like to respond to your article on the deputy mayor’s transport (The Witness, December 15). It does not come as a surprise to the taxpaying public that our money is being spent foolishly. I cannot understand why the municipality has to hire vehicles for any official business as it has enough of its own. Why are officials transported in such expensive cars anyway when people are struggling to make ends meet? The deputy mayor says that his car was damaged in a storm but he was not in the car at the time. What were the bodyguards doing in the car in Panorama Gardens if it was not on an official trip? I suppose bodyguards are also allowed to waste taxpayers’ money by having good times with official vehicles and should they get damaged then that is okay. I hope that those concerned were asked to pay for the excess on the damage to the vehicle as we citizens are tired of politicians who do not seem to want to hop off the gravy train.
Eastwood, Pietermaritzburg

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